- HALLOWEEN 2003 -
Karsten is an alien!


Karsten is dressed up and ready to go trick-or-treating. Heidi used miniature glow sticks inside of plastic tubes for his antenna. A number of people thought those were a great touch!


Karsten didn't really want to stay still to get his picture taken...as you can see by his shaking antenna. He was ready to head down the street!


Here he is in action! He almost always remembered to say "Trick or Treat!" and "Thank You". He also made friends with about a dozen dogs during the evening. His favorite was "Bill"...a nice spaniel.


Finally after hitting a few stops, he pauses for a moment for another picture. He keeps saying "More Houses...More Houses....". He was out for almost two hours!


Now he's back home with his loot! I say he has enough candy for a whole year. I had to keep sneaking handfuls from his bucket into my jacket, since he wouldn't let he lighten his load anytime I asked.


After getting home and warming up a bit, Karsten and Heidi sorted out his candy in the living room. Kit Kats and Tootsie Rolls are his favorites.